What is Post-Rehab Testing and Training?
Following rehabilitation for a sport-related injury/surgery, it is important that the biomechanical tendencies that stress the injured area be corrected.
Although studies show that a majority of athletes who undergo a surgery such as an ACL repair will return to sport, as many as 19% will have additional surgery on the repaired knee within 6 years (over 7% of those for a re-tear). In addition, over 6% will have ACL repair on the opposite knee. These numbers may indicate that the improper movement patterns that placed the athlete at risk have not changed.
The Post-Rehab Testing and Training program uses the same testing procedure as the Return to Sport Testing and the information is then used to implement a training program to improve on the specific movements putting you at risk.
Call us today to make your appointment with Ian Blake at Physical Therapy of Tulsa.